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Woman’s Life Insurance Society

National Cause

Answering the Call to Fight Homelessness and Hunger in America

Woman’s Life National Cause Answering the call to fight homelessness and hunger in America

Beginning in 2011 Woman’s Life Insurance Society® and our chapters have embraced our National Cause: Answering the Call to Fight Homelessness and Hunger in America.

Active members in Woman’s Life chapters across the country continue their efforts to address the needs of those experiencing homelessness and hunger by building awareness, planning volunteer service projects, and holding fundraising activities.

Woman’s Life chapters, utilizing our Chapter Financial Support programs, have contributed more than $1.6 Million in support of this effort. The majority of these contributions directly benefit charitable organizations serving the needs of the homeless and hungry in the communities where our members live.

With skyrocketing health care costs and rising costs of living, one misfortune — a layoff, an injury, a serious illness — can transform a person’s life beyond recognition. Affecting families and individuals in urban and rural areas and in all 50 states, the issues of homelessness and hunger touch the heart of America.

The time is now to be a part of the solution! Please join us in Answering the Call to Fight Homelessness and Hunger in America!

Want to get involved? Check out these Ideas for Volunteerism & Donations

Supporting Our National Cause

Supporting Our National Cause

Members of Woman’s Life Chapter 701 Fort Myers, Florida, spent a Saturday helping the homeless and hungry in their community. Using a Volunteer Service Project Grant from Woman’s Life, the chapter served a hot meal at their local soup kitchen. Some members helped to prepare the meal while others filled the containers and distributed them to those in need. They had a wonderful experience fulfilling the Woman’s Life National Cause – Answering the Call to Fight Homelessness and Hunger in America.


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