Having Fun & Helping Others
Having Fun

Woman’s Life was founded by women for women who enjoy sharing a good time together while also doing good for others.
Woman’s Life has chapters across the United States full of women who were friends or family members, or acquaintances from work, school or church, who came together to form a Woman’s Life chapter because they saw the benefit of working together with support from a national organization. Regardless of how they started, they've become great friends, providing the type of support only girlfriends can give — but they're also inspired to share together the good feeling of helping others.
Helping Others

Woman’s Life helps women help others by providing meaningful financial support for causes and issues important to them.
The benefit of women connecting through Woman’s Life is that membership enhances the impact of your efforts on behalf of the community causes you want to support. By providing the financial means to support and promote chapter events, you can make a significant and lasting difference right in your own backyard. Woman’s Life is all about the connections we make as women — connections we make with each other and with our community.