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Woman’s Life Insurance Society

Helping Others – Chapter Impact

Woman’s Life Insurance Society® is highly committed to social responsibility. In fact, serving the needs of our members and the communities where they live has been at the heart of everything we have done since 1892.

As a community life insurer, Woman’s Life is a unique type of organization. We offer life insurance and annuities designed to help women plan for a financially secure future for themselves and their families with the added benefit of helping others in need. How? We use our financial resources to support community projects held by active chapter members.

The contributions made by Woman’s Life chapters across the country are enhanced by our Chapter Financial Support Programs, including matching funds, volunteer service project grants, and more.

Evidence that our membership has fully embraced this philosophy can be found at any of the 552 events that Woman’s Life chapters held in 2023. Last year alone active Woman’s Life chapter members contributed more than $472,195 and volunteered more than 43,746 hours to support individuals, causes, and communities that are important to them.

Chapter Events Held in 2023
Fundraisers 336
Volunteer Service Projects 149
Social Events 67
Hours of Service in 2023
Hours of Community Service 33,750
Hours on Projects 9,996
Donations in 2023
Fundraising Donations including Woman’s Life Matching Funds $384,281
Volunteer Service Grants $16,518
Other Donations $34,218
In Kind Donations $37,178

Woman’s Life provides individual benefits of membership in addition to the chapter support benefits. In 2023, these benefits included Scholarships, Breast Cancer and Colon Screening Benefits, Annual Physical Good Health Benefits and others. Woman’s Life paid $15,385 in support of these individual benefits.

Interested In Learning More?

Make the Connection: Woman’s Life offers generous Chapter Financial Support Programs to enhance the impact made by our Chapters in communities across the U.S. These programs are funded through the sale of our life insurance and annuity products designed to help you plan for a secure financial future for yourself and your family.

Click here for more information about our Life Insurance and Annuity Products.


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