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Woman’s Life Insurance Society

Strong Start™ Term to Age 26 Convertible Term Life Insurance (ICC22 M22-2600 YT)

A Foundation for a secure financial future.

Provide a foundation for a secure financial future for your child or grandchild with Strong Start Term to Age 26 Life Insurance

Strong Start Term to Age 26 Life Insurance from Woman's Life Insurance Society provides term life insurance protection with a level death benefit and level premium for children ages 0 – 17.

This plan is designed to provide a foundation for your minor child or grandchild to build on for their secure financial future.

This convertible term life insurance can give them a strong start toward building financial security. It can:

  • Protect their insurability with conversion options available to them even if their health changes.
  • Help give your family funds and time to begin to heal if the unthinkable were to happen.
  • Protect against future potential debts such as student loans.
  • Provide a Scholarship Opportunity and other Benefits of Membership.

Term life insurance is often used when your budget is tight and/or your coverage needs are temporary.

Built-in Benefits

  • A Foundation for Financial Security
    Death Benefit Options:
  • Fixed, level death benefit: The death benefit you select at application stays the same for as long as the certificate remains in force.
  • Fixed, level premium: The premium is guaranteed to remain the same, providing consistent protection until the coverage is converted or the insured reaches age 26.
  • Choice of premium payment structures: Select annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly to fit your needs and budget.
  • Death benefits paid tax free to beneficiaries: Life insurance proceeds generally pass to beneficiaries free of probate costs, legal fees, local inheritance and income tax. Provide financial support for your family when it is most needed.
  • Choice of settlement options: Design a plan for payment of the death benefit to your beneficiaries to fit your goals.
  • Exclusive Benefits of Membership: Non-contractual Benefits of Membership currently include scholarship opportunities, member discount programs, Good Health Benefits, accidental death fraternal benefit, and local chapter involvement to make a difference in your community.

Conversion Opportunities

When this certificate is in force, it can be converted to a permanent life insurance plan with Woman’s Life without evidence of insurability. The new whole life insurance plan will be for the same death benefit as the term life insurance plan. Conversion is available at the following opportunities:

  • 5th Anniversary
  • 18th Birthday
  • 21st Birthday
  • 26th Birthday

This plan is not renewable and will terminate on the insured’s 26th birthday if it is not converted.

Request more information about Strong Start

For more information, request a free, no obligation needs analysis with a Woman’s Life representative.

Make the Connection: As a community life insurer, Woman’s Life provides the financial protection you expect with the added benefit of helping those in need. When you plan ahead to protect your family’s financial security, you also help support scholarships, soup kitchens, charitable events, and more. Through our Chapter Financial Support Programs, we support communities to help neighbors, friends, and families. Click here to learn about the Communities and Causes supported by active Woman’s Life Chapters.


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